Buddleja auriculata


Common Names

Eared Sagewood, Weeping Sage (english)Treursalie (afrikaans)utile (xhosa)


Genus Buddleja
Species auriculata
SA Plant Number 636.5
Basionym Buddleja auriculata


Buddleja auriculata is a very hardy, beautiful, evergreen, fast growing shrub with a weeping habit and beautiful black-green glossy leaves that are white on the underside.

From July to August, it bears beautifully fragrant creamy white flowers with an orange centre. The flowers of the Weeping Sage are borne profusely in small rounded clusters that are densely packed along the stems towards the ends of gracefully arching branches.

When planted close together or with other shrubs it makes an effective windbreak. It also makes a beautiful, large informal hedge.

It can be planted as a specimen but prune fairly regularly to keep it in shape. It attracts insect-eating birds and many pollinating insects including butterflies to the garden.

Planted in conjunction with B. saligna and B. salviifolia it ensures a long fragrant blooming season.

Plant in sun or semi-shade, in well composted, well drained soil.

Size 2 to 4m


Butterflies: Nectar plant for butterflies

Birds: Many birds are attracted by the insects that visit this plant for its nectar



Limpopo, Mpumalanga, KwaZulu Natal, Eastern Cape

Habitat:Forest margin, Rocky hillsides


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